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GO.Ms.No:1799, Dt:07-10-1965

TM Prasad


Examinations - Pass in Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I and n as equivalent with a pass in Account Test for Executive Officers - Orders Passed.

G.O.Ms.No. 1799                                                                                                            Dated:7. l 0.1965
         Read the following:

    From the A.P. Pub1ic Service Commission Letter No. 1223-B/65, dt. 18.06.1965.


The Government direct that Government Servants who have passed Account Test for subordinate Officers Part-I and II shall be exempt from passing Account Tests for Executive Officers where such test is prescribed in the Special Rules concerned. 2. Departments of Secretariat are requested to amend the provisions in Special Rules with which they are concerned to the above effect.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)


Chief Secretary to Government.

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